Hyper-V: Failed to create partition: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. (0x800705AA)

21. June 2011 09:15 by Mrojas in General  //  Tags: , , , , ,   //   Comments (0)

Well I was trying to create a VM Role for Azure and I got this error from my Hyper-V machine.

After some tests I hit my head and got to a clear conclusion: Silly me how could have I missed it.
The problem was I set up the VM with more memory that the available in Hyper-V, so
I changed this setting and my VM just worked!!

If I was not able to transfer any sense of sarcasm, I think that this is really hard to understand error message. Confused smile

Running Coldfusion on a Web Server Role

4. March 2011 15:43 by Mrojas in General  //  Tags: , , , , , ,   //   Comments (0)

I have been playing around with one of my test Azure Web Roles to determine
if it is possible to run it inside Azure, using a Web Role not just a VM Role.

So far I have been able to run Coldfusion 8 in a Web Role, but I have not been able to fully automate this task,
I had to do a remote desktop to the Web Role and perform the following tasks:

  • Add Features to the Web Roles particulary II6 Management Compatibility
  • Make sure that the Handlers for CFM, CFML, CFC are inplace

IIS Handler CF

  • And make sure that the ISAPI is ok:
  • Once all that is set you can run Coldfusion 8 in your Web Role. Now we just need to automate all the CF8 installation in a Web Role,
    but that will be something another post

