Aberdeen Group recognizes ArtinSoft as a key player in the VB 6 migration industry

Aberdeen Group recently published a report titled “Migrating from VB6 to .NET: The challenge of Software Agility in a Volatile Economy”.

The report contains a good summary of the status quo with respect to Visual Basic 6 renewal efforts.  It is based on a survey of 130 organizations at the end of 2008. 

The Aberdeen report contains lots of advice for organizations that are faced with the challenge of upgrading their infrastructure, I think it is worth reading it.

ArtinSoft is very proud to have been recognized as a key player in the Visual Basic migration game along with a number of its outsourcing partners.  This shows once more how our 15 years trajectory in the migration business is our best letter of presentation.

In his summary of the report, Aberdeen analyst Michael Lock also shows how best in class companies have a much greater tendency to use automatic migration tools to support their porting efforts.  During these times of financial uncertainty is more important than ever to minimize the cost of evolving your infrastructure and automation is certainly a good way of doing so.  ArtinSoft approach to automatic migration is aimed at minimizing the cost of reaching functional equivalence while at the same time ensuring that all delivered code is completely .NET native and ready to be evolved to the next level by our customers.  ArtinSoft offers the best balance between cost speed and future insurance.  Jose Aguilar also analyzes some of the conclusions from Aberdeen in this blog post.

If you are deciding what’s your next move with VB6, you should certainly read the Aberdeen report and you should look at our Visual Basic Upgrade Companion 3.0 and our new technical resources site www.VBtoNET.com .
