Dataset save columns as Attributes

5. June 2008 11:07 by Mrojas in General  //  Tags: , , , ,   //   Comments (0)

This code is so handy that I'm posting it just to remember. I preffer to serialize my datasets as attributes instead of elements. And its just a matter of using a setting. See: 

Dim cnPubs As New SqlConnection("Data Source=<servername>;user id=<username>;" & _
"password=<password>;Initial Catalog=Pubs;")
Dim daAuthors As New SqlDataAdapter("Select * from Authors", cnPubs)

Dim ds As New DataSet()
daAuthors.Fill(ds, "Authors")

Dim dc As DataColumn
For Each dc In ds.Tables("Authors").Columns
dc.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Attribute


Console.WriteLine("Completed writing XML file, using a DataSet")

ActiveX Controls in .NET and the Enabled bug

18. April 2008 07:04 by Mrojas in General  //  Tags: , , , ,   //   Comments (0)

We found and interesting bug during a migration. The issue was that when there was an iteration through the controls in the forms, and you set the Enabled property, the property didn't get set.

After some research my friend Olman found this workaroung


foreach(Control c in Controls)

  ctrl.Enabled = true;
  if (ctrl is AxHost) ((AxHost)ctrl).Enabled = true;

Install Assembly in GAC with C#

9. April 2008 05:42 by Mrojas in General  //  Tags: , , , ,   //   Comments (0)


Do you want to create a program to install your assembly in the GAC using C#. Well if you had that requirement or you are just curious, here is how.

I read these three articles:

Demystifying the .NET Global Assembly Cache

GAC API Interface 

Undocumented Fusion

What I wanted just a straight answer of how to do it. Well here is how:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.GAC;
//// Artinsoft
//// Author: Mauricio Rojas
//// This program uses the undocumented GAC API to perform a simple install of an assembly in the GAC
namespace AddAssemblyToGAC
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create an FUSION_INSTALL_REFERENCE struct and fill it with data
            FUSION_INSTALL_REFERENCE[] installReference = new FUSION_INSTALL_REFERENCE[1];
            installReference[0].dwFlags = 0;
            // Using opaque scheme here
            installReference[0].guidScheme = System.GAC.AssemblyCache.FUSION_REFCOUNT_OPAQUE_STRING_GUID;
            installReference[0].szIdentifier = "My Pretty Aplication Identifier";
            installReference[0].szNonCannonicalData= "My other info";
            // Get an IAssemblyCache interface
            IAssemblyCache pCache = AssemblyCache.CreateAssemblyCache();
            String AssemblyFilePath = args[0];
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(AssemblyFilePath))
                Console.WriteLine("Hey! Please use a valid path to an assembly, assembly was not found!");
            int result = pCache.InstallAssembly(0, AssemblyFilePath,installReference);
            //NOTE recently someone reported a problem with this code and I tried this:
            // int result = pCache.InstallAssembly(0, AssemblyFilePath,null); and it worked. I think is a marshalling issue I will probably review it later
            Console.WriteLine("Process returned " + result);

And here's the complete source code for this application: DOWNLOAD SOURCE CODE AND BINARIES

Useful MSBuild Custom Tasks

3. April 2008 08:48 by Mrojas in General  //  Tags: , , , ,   //   Comments (0)

I present here the implementation of some useful tasks
In Artinsoft we perform massive migrations of VB6 code to VB.Net
and C#.

And sometimes after migration there are customizations to be
performed on the code, to add new functionality or to set certain new

 The idea was to provide a couple of very simple and puntual MSBuildTask
 to illustrate how easy it is to create custom tasks and to provide a starting
 point to create new one.

 You can freely use this code, just keep this comments and remember this is just
 a sample code. There are not warranties. ;) And i made it a rush I know it could have
 been written better


The implemented tasks are:

 Removes COMReferences from your project. COM references are for when you are using things thru Interop
 Resets the output paths to bin\Release and bin\Debug
AddProjectReference Add a reference to another project. A nice feature is that it generates RelativePaths the way Visual Studio does
AddSimpleReference Add a reference to a very simple references like the ones you add when you click Add Reference and add System.EnterpriseServices
ChangeCurrentBuildSetting This can be used for a lot of things.

For example to turn on or off the RegisterForComInterop setting

To set conditional compilation variables

To set debug info to pdbonly

The sky is the limit jeje

The following is a sample project file

<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
<!-- make sure that the Assembly is in a place where msbuild can find it, a simple way is just to put it 
in the same directory of your .proj file -->
<UsingTask TaskName="SomeUsefulTasks.MSBuild.RemoveCOMReference"    
<UsingTask TaskName="SomeUsefulTasks.MSBuild.FixOutputPath"         
<UsingTask TaskName="SomeUsefulTasks.MSBuild.AddProjectReference"   
<UsingTask TaskName="SomeUsefulTasks.MSBuild.AddSimpleReference"    
<UsingTask TaskName="SomeUsefulTasks.MSBuild.ChangeProjectBuildSetting"    
    <VSProjects Include="$(Start)\**\*.*proj" />
Run with 
MSBUILD SampleProject.proj /target:COMReference /p:Start="C:\MyCode"
  <Target Name="COMReference">
    <RemoveCOMReference SourceFiles="@(VSProjects)" ComReferenceName="MSXML2" />
Adds a project reference  
Run with 
MSBUILD SampleProject.proj /target:AddProjectReference /p:Start="C:\MyCode" /p:ProjectPath="C:\MyCode\MyNewSuperProject\Project1.csproj"
   <Target Name="AddProjectReference">
      <AddProjectReference SourceFiles="@(VSProjects)"  AbsolutePathToProject="$(ProjectPath)"/>
Adds a reference to a standard assembly 
Run with 
MSBUILD SampleProject.proj /target:AddSimpleReference /p:Start="C:\MyCode" /p:Reference="System.EnterpriseServices"   
<Target Name="AddSimpleReference">
      <AddSimpleReference SourceFiles="@(VSProjects)" Reference="$(Reference)" />
Resets the OutputPaths to .\bin\Debug and .\bin\Release 
Run with 
MSBUILD SampleProject.proj /target:FixOutput /p:Start="C:\MyCode" /p:Reference="System.EnterpriseServices"   
<Target Name="FixOutput">
    <FixOutputPath SourceFiles="@(VSProjects)"  />
Adds a reference to a standard assembly 
There are several options here for example to set the project debug info to pdb-only do this:
Run with 
MSBUILD SampleProject.proj /target:ChangeSettingToPDBOnly /p:Start="C:\MyCode" 
Or run with 
MSBUILD SampleProject.proj /target:ChangeSettingAddAConstant /p:Start="C:\MyCode" 
Or run with 
MSBUILD SampleProject.proj /target:SettingComInterop /p:Start="C:\MyCode" 
<Target Name="ChangeSettingToPDBOnly">
          NewValue="pdbonly" />
<Target Name="ChangeSettingAddAConstant">
<Target Name="SettingComInterop">
         NewValue="true" />


ActiveX exceptions when running in .NET

5. February 2008 04:11 by Mrojas in General  //  Tags: , , , ,   //   Comments (0)

During migration to C# or .NET it is easier to keep the same ActiveX.
The VBCompanion does a great work in migrating the ActiveX control using the .NET ActiveX wrappings and fixing all method calls. 
Sadly sometimes those ActiveX do not work properly in .NET.

Well we have good news.
Recently my friend Jose David (who we keep bothering because he is now 
a Project Manager and now he only programs in MS Excel and MS Project, I added the MS by his request :P) fixed a curious bug
we had with an aplication we migrated from VB6 to C#.

The thing is that the aplication had an ActiveX control with a strange runtime behaviour.
We migrated the application keeping the ActiveX control and in most ocasions it worked ok.

But randomly it started throwing exceptions.

During the testing he discovered that if he repeated the steps slowly the bug did not reproduced.

So his idea was that it was due a garbage collection issue. And SURPRINSINLY he was right :P

He added this:




 And the application started to work.

It seems like some of the COM objects needed a little more time for releasing all references :)


IsMissing migration in VB.NET or C#

Recently  we added some support for migrating the IsMissing function to VB.NEt or C#

The thing is. In VB6 the IsMissing Function is TRUE only if you have something like:

Public Sub Foo(Optional str)


Where you dont specify the variable type, or if you have


Public Sub Foo(Optional str as Variant)


And is IsMissing is FALSE for any other case. Including Optional variables whose definition type is not Variant.


So let's see some examples to illustrate the idea:
 Example 1:

Public Sub Foo(str, a As Integer, b As Integer, Optional c As Integer)
    MsgBox (str & "Foo Is missing a " & IsMissing(a))
    MsgBox (str & "Foo Is missing b " & IsMissing(b))
    MsgBox (str & "Foo Is missing c " & IsMissing(c))
End Sub


It occurs that IsMissing is really FALSE in all cases. So it is equivalent to:


Public Sub Foo(str, a As Integer, b As Integer, Optional c As Integer)
    MsgBox (str & "Foo Is missing a " & false)
    MsgBox (str & "Foo Is missing b " & false)
    MsgBox (str & "Foo Is missing c " & false)
End Sub



Example 2:


Public Sub Goo(str, a As Integer, b As Integer, Optional c As Object, Optional d As Byte, Optional e)
    MsgBox (str & "Goo Is missing a" & IsMissing(a))
    MsgBox (str & "Goo Is missing b" & IsMissing(b))
    MsgBox (str & "Goo Is missing c" & IsMissing(c))
    MsgBox (str & "Goo Is missing d" & IsMissing(d))
    MsgBox (str & "Goo Is missing e" & IsMissing(e))
End Sub


All cases EXCEPT "e" are equivalent to FALSE


Public Sub Goo(str, a As Integer, b As Integer, Optional c As Object, Optional d As Byte, Optional e)
    MsgBox (str & "Goo Is missing a" & false)
    MsgBox (str & "Goo Is missing b" & false)
    MsgBox (str & "Goo Is missing c" &false)
    MsgBox (str & "Goo Is missing d" & false)
    MsgBox (str & "Goo Is missing e" & IsMissing(e))
End Sub


So if you are migrating your VB6 Code to C# put attention to these little details it can save you a lot of time.And remember that this is just one feature of VBCompanion tool ;)


Case Sensitive SQL Server

26. October 2007 06:29 by Mrojas in General  //  Tags: , , , ,   //   Comments (0)
Recently a friend at work had a problem querying a SQL server that indicated that the column name was wrong.

The only thing wrong was the the case. For example he had COLUMN1 instead of Column1. I had never seen that problem in SQLServer.
I had seed that in Sybase but not in SQLServer. He solved that by changing the database collating sequence to something like this:

alter database database1 collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI

the CI in the collating indicates Case Insensitive

For more information on SQL Server collations check:

And you determine your current database collation use a code like this:

USE yourdb>

print 'My database [' + db_name() + '] collation is: ' + cast( DATABASEPROPERTYEX ( db_name(), N'Collation' ) as varchar(128) )

print 'My tempdb database collation is: ' + cast( DATABASEPROPERTYEX ( 'tempdb', N'Collation' ) as varchar(128) )


Track Changes in VSS (Visual Source Safe)

24. October 2007 06:18 by Mrojas in General  //  Tags: , , , , ,   //   Comments (0)

MS VSS (Visual SourceSafe) is not really my preferred Source Control application, but
sometimes in your company that is what is available and you need to used it to have
at least some versioning of the code.

But haven't you had a situation where last week everything worked and
now everything is broken. And now is up to you to determine what went
wrong? I have it all the time.

VSS have some search tools but I really do not enjoy using them.
The Code Project Site provides an excellent tool called VssReporter

Sample Image - VssReporter.jpg

Do take a look at it, it makes it more easy to track changes. :)


Clean Up your Coldfusion application

22. October 2007 09:56 by Mrojas in General  //  Tags: ,   //   Comments (0)
Currently I'm working in some tools to clean
your code, whether it is VB, ASP or Coldfusion.

Mostly simple tools, but for now if you are a
ColdFusion Developer I want to recommend a nice
application called CF Project Cleaner
This tools lends you a hand so you can
get rid of unused files. The tool is not perfect. But it is always handy
to review your code.

MAN for .NET

5. October 2007 03:32 by Mrojas in General  //  Tags: , , , ,   //   Comments (0)
Microsoft recently published the MTPS Content Service

In brief, the MTPS Content Services are a set of
web services for exposing the content in
Microsoft/TechNet Publishing System (MTPS).

And Craig Andera, has develop a swift nice tool
called msdnman that you use from the command line to
get information from the MSDN

Also I recommend you to see this cool video of a Human LCD that Hugo sent me