Profiling and Couldn't open metabase error when profiling for ASP .NET in IIS

27. November 2012 10:25 by Mrojas in ASP.NET, IIS, Profiling  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)

I was trying to profile an ASP.NET application that was hosted on my local IIS.

But everytime I started the profiler I got a message like:

"Could not start IIS"

"Couldn't open metabase ..." "account has reduced privileges..." bla bla.

I could not understand why? My account is in the administrator group and yes,

Visual Studio was running as Administrator


1. Run cmd as Administrator

2. c:\windows\\framework\v4.0.30319

3. aspnet_regiis 

4. aspnet_regiis -ga Domain\User


And then log off and log in