To VB or not VB. That is the question

15. July 2008 06:37 by enassar in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)

... in fact, a very common question we hear out there when people begin considering upgrading from VB to .NET: “should I migrate my Visual Basic 6.0 applications to VB.NET or C#?”

Well, Google on the subject and this seems to be an endless discussion, but let’s start by saying that Microsoft is entirely compromised with the future of both languages, and they have done great efforts to ensure that both VB.NET and C# provide the full-power of the .NET Framework. This was clearly stated during the last TechEd, where I went to both the “Meet the VB Team” and “Meet the C# Team” sessions. They talked about the future of both languages, and made clear that there are no riffs between the teams. They even have Tuesday dinner nights and work together when looking for common solutions. In fact there are several people working on both teams. Of course, each team has invested in different features, but this only result in advantages to developers, providing a better opportunity to opt for the language that better fits each particular job.

The truth is both VB.NET and C# are first-class citizens on the Common Language Runtime (CLR) with equal access to the same framework features. So in the end the decision should be based on your specific needs, that is, your available resources and customer demands if we are talking about business applications. For example, if most of your developers have been working with VB 6.0 they will probably feel more comfortable with VB.NET. On the other hand, if you have a Java or C++ code base coexisting with your VB applications, it might be better to migrate your VB6 systems to C#, a language that is more comfortable for programmers exposed to some other object oriented languages due to its syntax, constructions and usability. However, the real work on a VB6 to .NET migration is dealing with the Framework and moving your mental model from COM to .NET, so the transition is not just about syntax and semantics issues.

By the way, we’ve seen a few people suggesting a double path approach for those who chose to migrate their VB6 applications to C#. This idea mostly comes from those who offer a solution that only converts to VB.NET, and they even say it’s irrational to think about jumping from VB6 to any .NET language other than VB.NET. Well, the immense set of differences between VB6 and C# or VB.NET are accurately resolved by ArtinSoft’s Visual Basic Upgrade Companion tool, and about half of our customers can tell those unbelievers better. You’ll find detailed info about that here.
