Comparison between Virtual Server and Windows Virtualization, Part II

30. December 2006 11:24 by Jaguilar in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)

This post is the second part on the comparison between Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 and Windows Virtualization:

  • Cluster Support: Both Virtual Server and Windows Virtualization have support for Windows Server clustering
  • Scripting support: Both Virtual Server and Windows Virtualization have support for scripting, but Virtual Server uses a COM API and Windows Virtualization a WMI-based API
  • Supported VMs: Virtual Server, with SP1, support up to 128 VMs on a single server. Windows virtualization supports as many as the hardware allows.
  • Management Interface: Virtual Server has web-based administration tools. Windows Virtualization, on the other hand, will be managed through a MMC snap-in, to put it in line with all other Microsoft’s management solutions.

You can check out the first part here.
