These project extends the VB and C# languages with query,
set and transforms operations. It adds a native syntax for those operations.
The idea of the LINQ project is to make data manipulation
part of the language constructs. Lets see these VB examples for LINQ:
The following examples
associates the Customer class to the Customer table. Just adding the Column Tag
before a field, maps it to a table column.
Public Class Customer
CustomerID As String
<Column()> _
Public City As String
End Class
access the database you do something like:
DataContext takes a connection string
Dim db As
DataContext = _
'Get a typed table to
run queries
Dim Customers As
Table(Of Customer) = db.GetTable(Of Customer)()
'Query for customers from London
Dim q = _
c In Customers _
c.City = "London" _
Select c
For Each cust In q
Console.WriteLine("id=" & Customer.CustomerID
& _
City=" & Customer.City)
You just create a
DataContext and create typed object that will relate dot the relational tables.
I think this is awesome!!
It is even nicer if you
create a strongly typed DataContext
Partial Public Class Northwind
Inherits DataContext
Customers As Table(Of
Orders as Table(Of
Public Sub New(connection As String)
code gets cleaner like the following:
Dim db As New
Dim q = _
From c In db.Customers _
c.City = "London" _
For Each cust In q
Console.WriteLine("id=" & Customer.CustomerID
& _
City=" & Customer.City)
These project will start a
lot of exciting posibilities. I recommed you have a look at’:
This is an old topic but I always like to give some thoughts
on this idea. I really think that in the
future everything will run from the internet. Internet is becoming another
basic need just as electricity, water, gas and telephone. The appearance of new
technologies makes it easy to have Internet even in remote places like beaches
and mountains.
Rich Clients have been defended because it was said that not
a lot of interactivity could be produced by thin clients. It has also been said
that powerful interfaces (with complex gadgets, etc) could be produced in a web
interface. I think that Flash, and AJAX
have shown that despite all believes it is possible. There are still more technologies
that will come. But the easier deployment and the fact that you can use your
web applications everywhere even from a cell phone in a taxi cub.
I also love phases like “If you ask an engineer the time,
he'll tell you how to build a clock.”. Web interfaces are simple and easy to
learn look at blogs like Jon Galloway
and Microsoft's Inductive User Interface (IUI) initiative it seams like more
people is starting to think in this way.
Migrating ASP to ASP.NET
Surpinsingly for me. I found that some friends were working on migrating an ASP classic site to ASP.NET. I was impressed to see that there are still sites in ASP classic at ALL!!!!
ASP.NET 2.0 provides so much improvements, you cannot even debug in ASP. ASP.NET 2.0 has better performance and easier to deploy. There is even Intellisense! These days is hard for me not assuming that all IDEs provide the developer aids like that.
Also migrating simple ASP classic code to ASP.NET is not that hard.
Let’s see a simple ASP classic page like:
Dim objConn
Dim objRS
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Recordset”)
objConn.ConnectionString = “DRIVER=(SQL Server);server=…”
objRS.Open “SELECT * from Items”, objConn
Do While Not objRS.EOF
Response.Write CStr(objRS(“ID”)) + “ – “ + objRS(“Description”) + “<br>”
Migrates easily to:
<%@ Page aspcompat=true Language=”VB” AutoEventWireUp=”false” CodeFile=”Default.aspx.vb” >
Dim objConn
Dim objRS
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Recordset”)
objConn.ConnectionString = “DRIVER=(SQL Server);server=…”
objRS.Open (“SELECT * from Items”, objConn)
Do While Not objRS.EOF
Response.Write (CStr(objRS(“ID”).Value) + “ – “ + objRS(“Description”).Value + “<br>”)
These are the task to do:
- Remove SET
- Any method in ASP.NET requires its parameters to go inside parenthesis
- ASP.NET does not have default properties so elements as objRS(“ID”) must be changed to objRS(“ID”).Value and objRS(“Description”) to objRS(“Description”).Value
- you must add the aspcompat=true property to the page because of the apartment threading issues
- You should change statements like Dim objRS to Dim objRS as Object it is not an error but it will help you make your code more clear.
You can also download the Migration Assitant from ASP to ASP.NET from:
Ok enough theory. To start using the internationalization
stuff lets start with a simple Form.
Open the Visual
Studio IDE. And Start a Windows Forms project. And then create a simple Form.
Add some labels and buttons and set their captions. Once you do that and finish
the initial creation of the form, go to the properties pane and change the
Localizable property to true and
assign the desired value in the Language property. The Visual Studio designer
will save the changes in additional resource files whose names will look like
Once you finish the texts, sizes, positions for the first
culture and save it. The IDE creates the resource file for that culture. If you
want to create a resource file for another language just change the Form
property and assign the text for this new language.
You can not only assign personalized translations for each
region but also the position and size of components. This is useful because in
some languages the buttons might need to be bigger because the labels could be
All this work is supported by the .NET resource managers. System.Resources.ResourceManager class.
I recommend you also using String Resource Tools like the
ones at:
These tools makes it even easier the task of moving all your
strings to resource files:
Recently I was asked by some fellows some help to make a new
version of their VB6 application in Spanish, but at the end we end up migrating
the application to VB.Net and taking advantage of the .NET internationalization
VB6 did not provided and out-of-box support for multiple
cultures, but the .NET framework provides the developer with utilities to
create applications that allow users in multiple regions use their applications
according to their “Culture”.
The .Net Framework is able to handle different cultures.
These “cultures” are used to localize certain aspects of the application for
particular geographic zones.
When an application is not created with any cultural
considerations it is said to use a Neutral
Culture. It implies that independent of the machine configuration it will
behave and display components in the same way.
The Culture is assigned automactically using the machine
settings or it can be altered programmatically. You can use the property
System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture for that purpose.
Cultures have two elements: language and region. For example
for Argentina where Spanish
is spoken la culture will be es-AR (es is for Spanish: ESpañol and AR for Argentina)
If no information is found at all for an language then the
neutral culture is used.
The information for user display is handler in assemblies
usually called “satellite assemblies” which are loaded depending on the culture
of the environment where the application is executed.
This is a very controversial topic. Recently I have seen several blogs that state that the VB6 Programmers are moving to other platforms like PHP or Java instead of VB.NET
For example see:
Number of VB
Developerts Declining in US
Steve Graegert
“They’re also leaving VB.NET; which is down by 26%. This means Java
now holds the market penetration lead at 45% (with developers using Java during
some portion of their time), followed by C/C++ at 40%, and C# at 32%.”
I also remember an Article I read in 2005 in JDJ (Java Developers Journal) that expressed that C# was a language created similar to C++ to aid the C++ programmers move to the .NET Framework, argument that I do not share.
I have no evidence but I do not feel that it is that way. I'm am a Java Developer too. And both platforms have their merits. C# is a nice language, very similar to Java and C++ no doubt but it deserves its own place. Visual Studio has still a path to follow. But VS2005 provides some useful refactorings and the incredibly awaited feature that allows you to edit the code that you're running :)
Maybe the 1.0 and 1.1 frameworks were not enterprise ready, but 2.0 and 3.0 frameworks are an excellent improvent.
Java as well had to go thru a lot of JDK releases. They have just released the 1.6 and what about the J2EE releases, the Java Enterprise Beans fiasco. You can confirm that by looking at the rise of POJO (Plain Old Java Object) frameworks like spring.
In general everything requires time to grow. I think that Java has been more time in the market and it has finally provided mechanisms that allow the development of enterprise services "easier" and it is giving it momentum.
.NET components industry is common, there are lots of components and somethings are easier. So I'll wait some time, maybe a couple of year to really find out which is the hotter platform.
Passing client credentials to a Web service using Windows authentication
Sometimes a Web Service is under a configuration that requires Windows Authentication. It is not a problem for .NET, all you need to do is set your environment to send the client credentials.
- First Create a Reference to a Web Service:
To do that just go to the references of your project and add a Web Reference. Type the URL of your web service. This will find your Web Service Reference and you can update it. This will generate the proxy code you need to access your webservice.
If you try to call your webservice with a call like:
WebReference.MyService pService = new WebReference.MyService ();
pService.doStuff("A", "B");
You’ll get a HTTP 404 forbidden access exception.
Now to send the user and password to call your service write some code like the following:
WebReference.MyService pService = new WebReference.MyService ();
pService.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("user", "password");
pService.doStuff("A", "B");
You can also send the domain name as part of the parameter to the NetworkCredential class:
pService.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("user", "password","domain");
It will be even better to have your user and password not in your code but in the configuration file for your program. You can then use the AppSettings class to access those properties.
The Tooltips that comes out of the box for winforms do not support images on them. This is a simple class that allows you to add Images and Text to your ToolTips
class ToolTipWithImage : Control
private Image _img;
private Control _ctl;
private Timer _timer;
string _imgfilename;
string _tiptext;
public String TipText
get { return _tiptext; }
set { _tiptext = value; }
public String ImageFile
return _imgfilename;
if (_imgfilename == value)
_imgfilename =
_img =
this.Size = new Size(_img.Width + 70, _img.Height);
_img =
public ToolTipWithImage()
this.Location = new Point(0, 0);
this.Visible = false;
_timer =
new Timer();
_timer.Interval = 1000;
_timer.Tick +=
new EventHandler(ShowTipOff);
public void SetToolTip(Control ctl)
_ctl = ctl;
this, 0);
ctl.MouseMove +=
new MouseEventHandler(ShowTipOn);
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
if (_img != null)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(_img, 0, 0);
this.Font, Brushes.Black, _img.Width, 0);
public void ShowTipOn(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (!this.Visible)
this.Left = _ctl.Left + e.X + 100;
this.Top = _ctl.Top + e.Y;
this.Visible = true;
public void ShowTipOff(Object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Visible = false;
To use it just do something like
ToolTipWithImage timg = new ToolTipWithImage();
timg.TipText =
timg.ImageFile =
My colleague Juan Pastor forward us an interesting link. It was called "Safe Migration to VB.NET". By Phillip Munce.
He provides an interesting point of view of how to address a migration. He's approach is based on the Agile Development strategies.
Mainly he states that a good way to address a migration project is developing a set of Unit Test cases. For which you could use either NUnit or the Visual Studio Team System.
In that way is easier to establish a measure that let's you know when the project is migrated if it meets the original application test cases.
He also sees it as an oportunity to document and improve maintability for the application.
Here at Artinsoft we also give special attention to testing and the establishment of the test case scenarios because they are our main tool to determine the "Functional Equivalence"
of the application being migrated which is the goal of most of our clients.
Testing is not always appreciated by developers but as applications grow and maintability becomes complicated, it is harded and harder to keep track that new functionality and patches do not destroy the rest of your application.
Take a look at Phillips Blog
This is easily done with the Oracle 10g interface, there is a nice article that explains that in at this address
However sometimes you don't have access to the Administrative UI. Is there another way to create or schedule jobs?
Sure just use the he DBMS_SCHEDULER package.
There are several things you should do:
3. Create Scheduler Program:
comments=>'Loads a table from another',
4. Create a schedule program:
repeat_interval =>
start_date =>
to_timestamp_tz('2006-11-22 US/Eastern', 'YYYY-MM-DD TZR'),
comments =>
'Schedule for periodic loads',
schedule_name => '"MYUSER"."DOLOADS"');
5. And finally link both together to create a JOB:
job_name => '"MYUSER"."JOB1"',
program_name => 'MYUYSER.PROGRAM1',
schedule_name => 'MYUSER.DOLOADS',
job_class => 'DEFAULT_JOB_CLASS',
comments => 'Loads a table',
auto_drop => FALSE,
enabled => TRUE);
At least this is how I did it. This is just a quick summary of the following article: