A very large .VBP - Visual Basic 6.0 project for those who are only familiar with the .vbproj extension :)

17. September 2011 16:36 by jpena in General  //  Tags: , , , , , , ,   //   Comments (0)

I just came back from executing a Ready assessment for a company in Minnesota, where I analyzed 740,000 lines of code in a VB6 application, of which 660,000 belonged to a single Visual Basic project (.vbp).  This is actually the largest single .vbp I have seen so far, beating the previous record of about 500,000 lines of code held by an European company.  We have migrated plenty of applications that contain 1+ million lines of code, but they are usually distributed across many .vbp’s.

Though unusual, single vbp’s of this size are perfectly manageable from a migration standpoint, and here are some things that can be done to deal with them:

  • Ensure that the migration computer has at the very minimum, 3GB of RAM. 
  • Look for customization opportunities before you start migrating the code.  Customizing the VBUC for this specific VBP can reduce manual effort drastically.
  • When making manual changes, start with a small team until you get the project to compile, especially if migrating to VB.NET as the compiler has a maximum of build errors that it can show at any given time. 
  • Once the application compiles, increase the team size and go for Visual Equivalence by distributing the different forms and user controls across your developers.
